This project demonstrates the Analysis of NYC Taxi Data. We have approx 1.4 billion taxi rides between 2009 and 2016 (approx 400 GB uncompressed CSV Or approx 35 GB snappy parquet). We have analyzed most pickup/drop off zones, peak hours for taxi, trip distribution, peak hours for trips, top 3 pickup/drop, how people are paying, how payment type evolved with Time, Ride Sharing Opportunity.
This project demonstrates the aggregation of data on a rolling window of events (Not necessarily time). We capture click streams via a web page hosted on Akka HTTP Webserver. The click events sent to Kafka are read by spark structured streaming App to perform the aggregations.
This project analyzes tweets to draw various insights, viz average tweet length, most popular Hashtag, sentiment analysis on Tweets, and Sentiment Analysis on COVID Tweets.
This App can serve as backend of a blog. Users can sign-up Or sign-in. Post that users can create, update and delete posts. Users can also comment on a blog Post
Gatsby theme for creating super fast, SEO optimized portfolio powered by MDX and Material UI
Gatsby theme for creating super fast, SEO optimized blog powered by MDX and Material UI
Single page React App to build a Burger dynamically. We use Fire base to persist the data and its authentication APIs to Guard sensitive information
This project emulates an Immutable File System in Scala. We support mkdir, ls, pwd, touch, cd, rm, echo commands
Node JS DApp emulating craiglist on Ethereum block chain.
Peer to Peer Messaging App build on NodeJS and Users can create/join a chat room for which others users are notified. Messages sent to a room aren't persisted to a database.
Node JS app providing CRUD operations for Todos' management. To-do created by a user is persisted in Mongo DB. New Users can be Signed up and encrypted credentials are persisted in Mongo DB. JWT Token returned after user login is usedto authenticate CRUD operations of Todo's.